
The overarching objective of the GI Programme is to improve and sustain the capacity of countries to protect their marine and coastal resources at risk from oil pollution, through the full implementation of requirements in OPRC 1990

Aligned to the GI Programme, GISEA focuses on strengthening the six elements of preparedness and response capability across the region, as listed below:

Promote and support the ratification and effective implementation of OPRC 1990 (and OPRC-HNS Protocol), and in addition, the international conventions on liability and compensation.
Contingency Planning
Promote and support the development of effective national contingency plans response systems for marine spills.
Encourage the establishment of arrangements to provide access to adequate marine spill response resources, commensurate with the level of risk.
Support regular training of relevant stakeholders in marine spill preparedness and response, and inform new developments in the field.
Support and facilitate the development and implementation of a programme of exercises for relevant stakeholders, to enhance and continually improve marine spill response capability.
Support and facilitate the development and implementation of bilateral, sub-regional and regional agreements relating to oil spill response cooperation; these will be founded upon the cooperation and collaboration, and mutual assistance between governments, industry and other relevant entities, both regionally and internationally.

Strategic Framework, 2024-2026

The activities of GISEA are guided by a 3-year strategic framework; the current triennium spans 2024 to 2026, for which the strategic aims are defined as follows:

Assist partner countries to develop or strengthen their respective national legislative and regulatory frameworks, to support accession to relevant IMO Conventions, namely, OPRC 1990; OPRC-HNS Protocol, CLC 1992; FUND 1992, BUNKERS 2001; LLMC PROT 1996; and transposition to domestic laws.
Contingency Planning
Assist partner countries to develop or enhance their respective national contingency plans, and preparedness and response systems for oil spills/ releases of hazardous and noxious substances (HNS) at sea, and possibly inland.
Operational CapabilitiesEncourage partner countries to put in place operational capabilities in spill response and incident coordination - personnel, equipment and logistics support; this would be achieved through training and exercise, and provision of resources.
Promote RETOS™ assessment to enable a regional understanding of oil spill risks, and systematically evaluate preparedness across partner countries.
Support ASEAN Member States to implement the Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan (ROSCP), and encourage integration of the regional cooperation mechanism into bilateral and sub-regional arrangements.
Industry Membership
Strengthen outreach to maintain and grow GISEA Membership, in particular, with the participation of National Oil Companies.

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