The Global Initiative

The GI programme is jointly led by IMO and Ipieca, and primarily funded by the leveraged contributions of industry members. There is strong participation from technical partners such as, and among others, ITOPF and industry-funded Oil Spill Response Organisations.  

GI organises workshops, training and exercises to improve oil spill response capabilities in priority areas with higher risks. It has promoted and enabled:

  • Ratification and implementation of relevant international conventions;
  • Identification of responsible government agencies in charge of oil spill preparedness and response at national level (competent authorities);
  • Adoption of national and regional oil spill contingency plans;
  • Improved communication between government and industry at both national and regional levels.
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The Global Initiative
The model for GI activity is based upon two levels:

1) Level 1 programme: sustainable base-level programme to build or maintain preparedness on a global scale;
2) Level 2 programme: activities are implemented in conjunction with the IMO, and other partners, using a planned, budgeted process, with focus on national and regional activities; autonomous funding is provided by local industry and key international partners.

There are currently 3 regions covered by projects established under the GI Umbrella: The Black Sea, Caspian Sea and Central Eurasia (OSPRI); West, Central and Southern Africa (GI WACAF); and, Southeast Asia (GISEA).

Ad-hoc activities are also arranged from time to time in other regions such as China and the Mediterranean.Click here
IMO and the Global Initiative
Global Initiative Regional ProjectsRead article
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