
The Global Initiative for Southeast Asia (GISEA) Project was launched in March 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

Signing of the Statement of Intent between IMO and Ipieca.  Left to right: Jose Matheickal, Marine Environment Division, IMO; Captain Yan Risuandi, Director for Marine Safety and Acting Director for Sea and Coastguard of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, Ministry of Transport, Indonesia (DGST, representing the host country); Brian Sullivan, Executive Director, Ipieca (Source: IMO). Click to view image


In March 2007, the-then ipieca OSWG (Oil Spill Working Group) commissioned a study to identify preparedness gaps in Southeast Asia. This study led to the development of an action plan for the implementation of a GI-type programme in the region. The implementation was stalled due to a number of issues, and only revived in April 2010 when the OSWG agreed to establish a 'Level 1' programme in the region. 

On February 2011, at an OSWG meeting in Bangkok, members agreed to adopt a more proactive approach to the Southeast Asia region and establish a 'Level 2'programme. Following a meeting in January 2012, the OSWG agreed to implement a GI regional project in Southeast Asia.

It was envisioned that GISEA would be launched in two phases, with initial focus on countries where there are significant oil and gas activities, and supported by the wider ipieca Membership; subsequently, a decision was made to include all 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in its remit.

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The IMO and ipieca launch the Global Initiative for Southeast Asia
GISEA workshop, 20 - 21 Mar 2013, in JakartaClick here
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